GeoPo is a web service that shrink geolocation(latitude and longitude) to short URL.
Then browser of receiver can display the map matched to browse environment.
Everyone can use GeoPo for free, and no registration.
The famous places in the world convert to GeoPo
As follows long URL is a URL that linking to the map,139.745447&lr=lang_ja&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&hl=ja&z=16&iwloc=addr
convert to GeoPo. It is all.
Easy and Useful.
GeoPo is a good match for Twitter in which character is limited.
Please read GeoPo features in detail.
Sender of GeoPo
Input Lat/Long and Scale at above form or Drag maps to target on red marker, and display GeoPo URL.
Then you can copy GeoPo URL. Post to twitter, mail to your friend, link from your blog and so on...
When you use twitter client software to adopt GeoPo, you can add GeoPo to tweet easily.(Draft)
Reciever of GeoPo
GeoPo is usual URL, so you can see maps when clicked URL.
Moreover, server change the display method of maps in an appropriate by the automatic operation.
Geolocation is convayed to use any browser or hardware.
At present, webservice support personal computer (display Google Maps of Ajax [Example]), Japanese mobile phone (display Google Maps of Static image [Example]), iPhone (display Google Maps of Static image and launch native maps app from link [Example].)
Please implement your twitter client. I am now wanted interesting idea etc. Contact to me.
Please read GeoPo for developer that is documents for developer (Specifications).
When coverage into the media or blog, please refer to Press release of GeoPo(Sorry. not English).
Creco(Shintaro Inagaki)
Skype : shinagaki
Twitter : @shinagaki
E-mail :
(I am poor speaker of English, so please contact by e-mail or chat.)